Solstice Spear
Solstice Catalyst Spear. Inspired and themed after the VRChat Game Terrors of Nowhere!
The Solstice Catalyst has the following Abilities
- Lazerbeam.
- Shield Bubble
- World Drop.
This asset uses VRCFury for an easy Drag&Drop setup.
if you need help installing feel free to DM me on discord for help : _Solaris.
Poiyomi Pro
Unity 2022.3.6f1
By Purchasing this asset you agree to the following Terms
You agree not to share any of the Assets contained in the Purchased package.
You may take / make commissions with this asset as long as both Parties have legally purchased the assets from their original gumroad page and the avatar will NOT be uploaded as Public.
You may NOT make public avatars with this asset without direct permission from me. to ask for permission DM "_Solaris." on Discord
You may NOT sell anything that includes any of these Assets.
You may NOT use these assets as base for your own asset.
You may NOT share edits of these assets
Finding loopholes in these terms to violate the intended spirit of the terms WILL be counted as breaking the Terms themselves.
Solstice Spear with funky abilities and easy to install via VRCFury